
Arsenal fans have slammed the club for their failure to roll over fees for the 2021/22 season.

One of the perks of the Gunners’ £59 silver membership gives supporters priority to purchase matchday tickets, something that has been heavily restricted due to most games being played behind closed doors this season.

Arsenal fans are ‘disappointed’ with the club’s email over membership prices

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Arsenal fans are ‘disappointed’ with the club’s email over membership prices

In an email sent to silver members, Arsenal said they would not fully renew fans who paid the £59 fee as they had received ‘several benefits’, which included a 10 per cent discount off the online store and a monthly newsletter.

In a letter written to Arsenal chief executive Vinai Venkatesham, the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust urged the club to do the ‘fair thing’ by rolling over their silver membership fees to the 2021/22 season.

They said: “We are writing with regard to the silver membership status of Arsenal fans for the season 2020/21.

“Many supporters have paid in full for their membership for the season. The cost of a full silver membership is £59.

“Some of these payments are a result of direct debits being taken and others the result of supporters being optimistic earlier in the season that tickets would be available at some point.

“It is now clear that there will be no opportunity for silver members to use the principle benefit of this membership – the opportunity to purchase a ticket – in the 2020/21 season.

“The AST is therefore requesting that the club now allow all silver memberships for the season 2020/21 to roll forward their membership to 2021/22 without any additional payment.

“This would be the fair thing to do and we believe an early announcement would be positive news for many supporters who are seeking to manage their finances in this difficult period.

“We look forward to your response so that we may communicate it to the many silver members in the AST.”


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