World Cup final referee Szymon Marciniak has spoken out about the claims that Argentina’s third goal in the match against France should have been disallowed. French media had argued that Marciniak should have ruled the goal out because two of Argentina’s substitutes had run onto the pitch before the ball had crossed the line. These claims led to a petition being signed by over 200,000 French fans calling for the final to be replayed due to Marciniak’s alleged “mistakes.”

Read More: French Media Claim About Messi 3rd Goal

However, Marciniak has defended himself against the criticism, stating that he and his team of officials made the correct decision in allowing the goal to stand. He explained that the two substitutes had entered the field of play after the ball had crossed the line and therefore did not interfere with the play. Marciniak emphasized that he and his team had made every effort to ensure that the match was officiated fairly and in accordance with the rules.

During a press conference, as reported by Zach Lowy, he pulled out his phone with a picture which he says was at the time that Kylian Mbappe scored one of his three goals against Argentina.

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