
Roy Keane’s Instagram account continues to be the best feed on the social media platform.

The Manchester United legend only joined Insta earlier this month but has already amassed 1.2million followers despite only posting four times.

Keane posted yet more hilarious pictures on Instagram, with his latest a throwback to a trip with the Ireland team in the early 90s

Keane posted yet more hilarious pictures on Instagram, with his latest a throwback to a trip with the Ireland team in the early 90s

His first post was a selfie with his dog which was captioned: “A man’s best friend.”

The Irishman then urged his followers to show some love on Valentine’s Day by uploading a picture from his Nottingham Forest days, being throttled by West Ham’s Stuart Slater and Ian Bishop.

Third, it was a picture of him and his grandson ‘always smiling’. Disclaimer: they weren’t.

He is also yet to follow anyone else on the platform.

Keane posted images from the Republic of Ireland’s trip to the USA in 1992 featuring Niall Quinn and Paul McGrath among others

Keane posted images from the Republic of Ireland’s trip to the USA in 1992 featuring Niall Quinn and Paul McGrath among others

Keane’s latest uploads were some photos from the Republic of Ireland’s trip to the USA in 1992 that ended in an infamous row involving the midfielder, manager Jack Charlton and Mick McCarthy – then a player.

Charlton is said to have berated Keane and Steve Staunton for arriving late to the team bus following a night out. Recounting the incident later on, the midfielder said: “I looked him straight in the eye. He was a bully, who didn’t like it when the boot was on the other foot…He backed off.”

Keane was then involved in a further row with McCarthy, who was then manager, in 2002 at the World Cup that led to the United legend leaving the team camp.

Niall Quinn claimed the midfielder received special treatment during his Ireland career in a recent interview pointing to how he was allowed to miss training sessions.

“We found it difficult that he would be so alarmingly aghast at what was going on out there,” Quinn said in a new Virgin Media documentary about his career.

“Given that for all our international matches for the last couple of years, he was only coming in sometimes on the Tuesday and we were all in on the Saturday.

Keane’s post appeared to be a dig at former teammate Niall Quinn

Keane’s post appeared to be a dig at former teammate Niall Quinn

“So, he had this specialist status, this privileged status in the team, for a couple of years. So, it was difficult I think for him to say ‘things aren’t done right’ when he wasn’t there all the time.

“But he got special privilege. Mick McCarthy and Sir Alex Ferguson did a deal – ‘Oh, you can have him later on near the matches, but he stays with us ’til Monday or Tuesday’.

“From a very early stage in that sort of Mick-Roy relationship, Roy was privileged, put in a specialised position,” Quinn continued.

“When he started giving out about stuff, I had to think ‘how can he give out, the rest of us turn up all the time?’”

Keane’s post appears to be in response to Quinn’s comment as he wrote with the pictures: “Don’t remember getting any special treatment on this trip – Irish National team USA 1992.”

He posted it alongside an emoji of a snake… make of that what you will.



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